Pre- and Post-Workout Fueling


You’ve heard that you should eat before training, and again after training. But why?

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Eating a snack or meal before training gives your muscles the energy to PERFORM. Without this pre-workout fuel, you will not be able to train as HARD or as LONG.

Eating a meal or snack after training provides your body with the nutrients it needs to refuel and repair your muscles, which is fueling PROGRESS. When you don’t bother to eat post-workout, you are hurting TOMORROW’S training.

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Do you exercise on empty???

Unless your workout is short and low intensity, you are not supporting optimal training. Without fuel for your muscles, you cannot workout as hard or as long.

Pre-workout fueling needs to be individualized. What and how much you eat depends on several factors:

  • How sensitive your gut is

  • How long your workout is

  • What the intensity of your workout is

  • If you are currently hungry

  • When you last ate

In general, a pre-workout meal should be eaten 2-4 hours before your workout. The meal should be high in carbohydrates (your main source of fuel), moderate in protein (for satiety and blood sugar regulation), and low in fat and fiber (for easier digestion and prevention of GI issues).

A pre-workout snack should be eaten 30-60 minutes before a workout. The snack should be primarily carbohydrates - quick, available energy for the body to use.

What if you are working out first thing in the morning? I recommend eating a solid dinner the night before, and waking up in time to eat a pre-workout snack in the morning.

Just like all other muscles in the body, the stomach needs to be trained. By eating before a workout, you are training your body to digest food while exercising. If you haven’t been fueling before workouts, I suggest starting small! Half of a banana or a handful of pretzels is a good place to start.

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Making progress toward your athletic goals depends on recovery as much as your workouts. Don’t diminish your workout gains by slacking on post-workout fueling. You’ll be left feeling fatigued and your muscle recovery will be delayed.

Your have probably heard of the 3:1 ratio of carbohydrates to protein for after workouts. This is what you should be aiming for in a snack within 1 hour of finishing your workout. A good (and delicious) option is chocolate milk!

Your post-workout meal should be eaten within 3 hours. Match this meal to the appropriate athlete’s plate.

What if you are feeling nauseous or exhausted after your workout and don’t want to eat? Try drinking your recovery snack instead of eating. Fluids can be easier on our stomachs, and may be more appetizing. Chocolate milk or a smoothie are great options!

What’s your favorite food to recover with after a hard workout?


Hi, I’m Anna!

Welcome to the Nutrition with Anna blog! Sharing recipes, sports nutrition tips, & inspiration to eat foods that fuel your lifestyle and athletic goals without rules or restrictions.

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